Monday, February 14, 2011

alguma coisas

just a little update

first week of febuary, start of a new school year. volta para aulas
i am in the third and final year here in CSFX which is good &bad.
this final year the students are preparing to take the Vestibular, a test that allows you to enter college. this and only this gets you into a university. no letter of recommandtion, no activitives. if you fail this, you spend a whole EXTRA year studying again to retake it so you can enter.
according to everyone that has taken it, it is the hardest thing in life. therefore in the third year, all the classes are designed to prepare the students to take this test. its all the students are stressing about, its alll the teachers are talking about, is all the pressure the parents put on.
everyone except me
third year also has classes in the afternoons on some days, meaning 7-12 (break for lunch) 2-6 ..then you go home and study..
guess what they study for? the Vestibular.
guess what these classes are about? the Vestibular.
guess who doesnt go to afternoon classes? ME cause i aint taking no "Vestibular"

third year is all new teachers and my classroom has grown to an unbelievable 50 (imagine 50 brazilians that dont stop one room)
it kinda "sucks" casue the teachers dont know that i am "the exchange student" and i feeel like i should introduce myself and be liek, "helllo, i am american and i dont do anything in class. hope its not a problem if sometimes i sleeep but usually i dont casue disturptions. nice to meet you!"
the one day i was sitting in class with my best friend (portuguese dictionary) just spending some time with him, we were separated for a long time. and the teacher was like, what are you doing? why are you reading?
i hold up my dictionary with a look of innocence.
the class: she's the exchange student!! she's american! she usually just sleeeps!!
teacher: OH MY GOSH! i am so sorrrry! do you understand?!??!
american: yess, but you speak realllllllllly fast.
she continues the lessson, speaking more slowly and talking more with her hands as if she is teaching kindergarden rather than teenagers and kinda directing it alll towards me. ooh CSFX..

so i went to school for a weeek..
then skipped a weeek to go to Belo Horizonte with my family :))
when my mom asked me if i wanted to go to BH with her, i was like, i would do anything, ANYTHING, to get outta school for a weeek.
my brother moved to BH to go to one of the best schools in Minas Gerais so my mom thought it be best if i stayed with her and my brother while he got adjusted to the city, his school, and the new apartment.
i wont bare you all the details of that weeek because it was mostly girly shoppping, buying you alll presents cause i love you so much!
while my brother was at schoool, we went to local fairs, markets, malls and various stores.
one day we went to this park, strollling along on the cooblestone streeet, taking in the fresh breeze that isnt in Ipatinga, having some "mother-daughter" bonding. it was nice :) we went to a museum of rocks which sounds LAME but was actuallly very interesting and beauitful and another museum of art that displayed brasilian history via pictures along with photography that had your head tilted to the side, pondering. the following day we went to a natural art museum which didnt have an actual theme, saw everything from dinosaur bones, a study on bats, and a HUGE monkey !
staying in BH for a wk, i'm not tooo sure if i could live in a big city. of course there is soo much to do, soo much to see, but man, when i am sleeeping at 3am and i hear the gargabe man almost screaming to the other man to "grab it and go!" ..i heard him until crossed neighborhoods.
or when the people in the building 2 streeets down is gettting a litttle rowdy with their BBQ.
also, who in God's name has a ROOSTER in the city? telll me why at at 5:35 EVERY morning, i woke up and sigh loudly, swearing that if i had gun and knew where that rooster was, i would be at it. (i am hitting the keys while typing this i am so angry, still!)
ooh BH..
that weeekend, me and my dad went to Ouro Preto, a place that i would go back in a heart beat.