** just to let everyone know, i am SAFE. the floods are in the state of Rio de Janerio & a little in the state of Sao Paulo. its beeen raining alot but its the rainy season, everyone can breathe a side of relief.
hellllo everyone, its beeen awhile :)
i am going to try and search back to remember my 2week vacation in Guarapari, Espírto Santo.
on dia 28 de dezembro my family and i squeezed everything imaingary into our litttle car and drove the 6hours to their beach apartment in Guarapari. i was squeezed into the midddle, meaning i was hating life. it was pouring down rain at the end of the journey and i was gettting realllllly scared but we made it safely to our apartment at 10pm that night, starved cause we didnt reallly have a lunch (it's brasil and we didnt have a big lunch? que?!) ofcourse we brought our maid to be with us for those 2wks so she had pasta waiting for us. it was definitely not pasta from italy but i was starved.
the next morning, i got my first realll look at guarapari, though through the rain.
our apartment was settled nicely RIGHT against the ocean, had the most beauitful view of alll the city but it didnt reallly remind of a beach because there was absolutely NO waves. it reminded me more of a lake than a ocean, having boats, kayaks, jet skis, alll floating around close to the sun bathers. it was realllly calm and relaxing.
since it was raining, we couldnt splash around in the "waves" but that didnt stop half of the city to put their bikinnis on and show offf what they got.
we went bikinni shopping, i really needed one considering i basically live in my one brasileiro bikkini. the bikkini shopping was just like the first one back in Cabo Frio, felt like a beach-ed whale, did not want to come out of the dressing rooom, but in the end i got this reallly cute, reallly brasileiro bikkini :)
we went to a different beach which actually had waves, not big ones at that, and we took lots of pictures of the beauitful landscape.
New Years Eve !
Here in Brasil, from my experience, Reveilion was bigger than Chritmas. Everyone was looking forward and stressing about Dia 31 de Dezembro. when you go to the beach for Reveilion, everyone usually wears white or yellow, for luck. (everyone wore white..except for me. gringa!) you also are suppose to buy flowers and put them in the water at the turning of the year as offereing to the "ocean gods"
with my family, we alll had a big dinnner at our apartment, sipping on champagne and watching all of crazy brasil. there was a show on the beach, loud dance music pounding through all of the city, so we just had to take a look at what it was. my sister, my brother, my maid (hahah) and i all went to the show to watch the "ball drop" there was thousands, hundreds of thousands of people at the show, families, teenagers, grandparents, drunk obnxious people, everyone in the city of guarapari. as 2010 changed into 2011, instead of gettting a kiss, like the normal standard in US, i was dodging crazy people who were throwing booze all around, excited to start the new year offf right. along with flowers that were floating in the ocean as offering, booze cans, trash, people splashing around with or without clothes. we left.
as we are leaving the show, the power of the whole city goes out from people setting off fireworks.
we cant see anything.
im slightly scared cause its brasil and its new years... but it was finee.
i went to my friends apartment and played cards and listened to music and just hung out until 3am when me and my brother walked the long way homee.
the beginning of the year also brought sunshine in guarapari. i think i layed around on the beach until 6pm, swimming a little, hanging out with my family, ignoring the annnoying people sellling things, and people watching. relaxing day after the crazy-ness of new years.
theres a nature walk close to our apartment where it brings you to these beauitful, unbelieveable sights of guarapari. i realized that i love those kind of things: ilove the smelll of the fresh open air, i love hiking up the dirt path, i love the wind on my face when i am close to the water. i love those kinda of things.
we toook lots of photos, sat for a litttle just to take it all in and took the path back to reality.
the next day we toook a litttle drive to the capital of Espírto Santos, Vitória. it was a 45min drive where i took a little nap and when i woke up, i felt like my dad drove me back to Rio de Janerio.
the city was beauitful and looked a lot like Rio, with a few exceptions.
instead of the famous Capacabana beach, Vitória had Curva da Jurema
instead of drug dealers in the favelas, Vitória had shottings in the local mall
instead of Cristo Redentor Vitória had a little, old church that sat up on the moutain.
i liked Vitória bettter than Guarapari. more beauitful, more history, more things that i liked.
we just went to the big shopping malll where i bought much needed shorts and ate sushi !
fun facts about Espírito Santos:
the translation of Espírito Santos in english is Holy Spirit, shows how catholic this country is.
ES is the state where all the people of Minas (my state) go to vacation because MG doesnt have a beach therefore Guarapari is nicknamed Guara-tinga (Guarapari & Ipatinga) because everyone from my city goes there.
there isnt reallly any ridulously beauitful beaches in ES which is funnny cause all of the north of brasil has everything beauitful and the north is Rio & Sao Paulo and ES is stuck right in the middle. hah
my parents left the next day ..bringing my sisters friends and a whole lottta funn & crazy-nesss