ooh, comida brasileira..
café de amanhã (breakfast)
on school days, my breakfast is always reallly quick, something easy and light. Usually a bowl of ceral(with their milk that sometimes is warm) oatmeal, or maybe some fruit. If my family has coffee, i will drink it. There coffee here reminds me something Lori Jones would like: forte (strong). You dont drink a whole cupfull of coffee like we do because its powerful and if you would, you would be bouncing off the wallls, for about 3days
when its a weeekend, holiday or i actually have time to eat breakfast, i usually have my little sandwich of fresh bread (delicious) with a little cream cheese. muito bom.
what brasileiros think of OUR breakfast:
that we eat alot and its too sweet.
they are thinking of the thick juicy saugage links (or patties, whichever you prefer) sizzled in grease, next to fluffy chocolatechip pancakes drenched in too-sweet maple syrup, whippcream on top, just for looks, with a side of hash browns and maybe bacon if you are feeeling extra hungry.
BUT i have been to places where they do serve cake for breakfast. yes, like birthday cake
almoço (lunch):
ooh meu almoço.. has my tongue literally hanging out in school just day dreaming what i will find on the table when i get home.
every family is different (obviously) and has different food (again, obviously) but there is somethings you can always count on: a salad (sometimes with fruit which i find a very nice addition) rice, beans (various types of beans, dark, light, black. the darker the better for me) and some sort of meat. always on the table.
(i always get the question: what do you eat everyday?)
i dont eat the same thing everyday. they have arroz e feijão everyday so they think we have a main dish tooo. but we dont. in american, with all our mixture of cultures and ability to have mexican one night, italian the next, the hateful "leftovers," something that is typical american foood, and then mediterranean on a tueday, we never have the same thing. they find this unbelievable. i quite enjoy it, all the variety.
special topics:
hamburgers. OMG. i could (already have) made out with a hamburger. I absolutley LOVE hamburgers here. ask my parents, i did not like hamburgers and would refuse to eat them at home. here, they throw just about everything on their sandwichs. a thing juicy pattty, lettuce, tomate, corn, eggs, things that are mixture between french fries and potatoe chips, alot of mustard &ketchup, cheeeeeeese = Nobel Peace Prize. I cant tell you how much i love their hamburgers..
Churrasco (BBQ) alot of parties here are BBQs. Depending on who is cooking, depends on the quality of the BBQ. I've had alot of BBQ that just wreck my stomach because alll the food is meat (alottttttt of meat) and bread, sometimes rice and beans if your lucky. you just get served little pieces of meat, after meat, after juicy greasy meat, after meat. we all know what happens to the stomach of ariana.. but i have had alot of goood churrasco ..or just alot of goood memories ;D
Pizza: Pizzza is realllllllllly gooood here. (also made out with pizzza) they dont normally put red sauce on their pizzzas, they just serve it on the side, oooh and when they do that.. I get the question: would you like more sauce for your pizzza? It's kinda riduclous. BUT at my schoool, they have a litttle "cafeteria" where they serve snacks during the break (just like school back home, the foood here is gross) and they have pizzza..and people put KETCHUP on it. i can already see peoples eyebrows raised and disgusted looks from many.
seafoood: i eat alot here (i am not complaining about it either) and have found the love of my life: sushi. i am considering going on an alll-sushi diet. donnt know how that will work out but MEU DEUS is it goood.
what brasileiros think of OUR lunch: McDonalds.
juntar (dinner):
dinnner usually depends on the family and the person.
my first family: we always had a litttle snack together late at night, 7 or 8. With fresh bread and a litttle George Foreman Grill, i made some beauitful creations. Fruit was always available or an extra goodie brought home from the bakery. just a litttle snack.
my second family: they usually ate a dinnner. an actual dinner. pizza, pasta, something leftover from lunch, they wanted me to eat something. I mean, i never complained about it when i was shoveling food into my mouth but i think that was the reasons i put some kilos on
my third family: almost the same with my first family, just a litttle snack, but i drink alot more chocoatle milk. dont know what has happened to me but i am OBSESSED with chocoatle milk. haha sometimes, on special occasions, we go out to a bar and have a litttle snack but usually its just a little sandwich, equalviant to our lunch.
what brasileiros think of OUR dinner:
that its our biggest meal and question why we eat our biggest meal late at night. i agree. at college i am going to try and have my biggest meal at lunch, just because of brasil :)
doce (sweeeeeeeeets!)
and now, dessert. goibana com queijo ..there are no words, phrases, NADA in the english language to describe this. its from the fruit of gobaia (we UNFORTUNATLY dont have it in US) with cheese. you just gottta trust me and believe me that if you ever come to my homeland of Brasil, you eat it and fall in love.
their ice cream.. i think its better than ours. Ofcourse there isnt our 9357847flavors but its more creamy, light, can i use the word suave here? muito muito bom
i eat alotalotalot of popiscles here. maybe cause its so hott here, maybe cause they are so cheap, maybe because they are so delicious, not sure ..but i always see a popiscle vendor and get my lose change and get myself something delicious.
this is when i talk about my maids and their specialities ;)
Dondora: Ofcourse being the oldest and wisest of them alll, her foood was probably the best. she KNEW how to make her juice. let me just name all the juice that i have drank: orange, strawberry, goiaba, melon, watermelon, passion fruit, grape, mango, apple, pinnapple. these are alll natual, squeezed freshly with the sweat and love only from Dondora. and that is why i love brasil
Betânia: this women knew how to make a salad. i love my salads and she never disappointed me. she always put in alot of weird stufff that somehow mixed perfectly
Evetech: i havent had anything AMAZINGLY goood here (not yet, anyway) but she always has just enough foood for everyone. its perfectly portioned that you dont eat SO MUCH but you also dont walk away from the table hungry.
the special ladies in my life ;)
have i made you hungry yet?