i'm home :)))) after a week of vacation in the gorgeous town of Cabo Frio, i am back in Ipatinga, my home.
i've decided to divide this week into two different posts, maybe more, that way i can go into more detail (which i know you will love) and not have to sit at the computer longer than necassary. Allow me to begin:
I would be traveling to Juiz de Fora by bus, a total of 8hours. My mother and I left Ipatinga at 9pm on Friday and would arrive in Juiz de Fora around 5am. Juiz de Fora is where my mother used to live, her "old stomping grounds" and i would have the chance to meet her side of the family. Juiza de Fora is another 4hours away from Cabo Frio in the state of Rio de Janerio (there is the state of Rio &the city. Same with Sao Paulo, just so ya know) talk about long traveling.
i tried to sleep on the way to Juiz de Fora but all i could think of was:
Dear Mister Bus Driver,
when were you issued your liscene? because i'm am one-hundred percent sure that a blind women with no left arm could have driven better than you.
your passanger who was constantly hitting her head off the window when she was just ABOUT to fall asleep.
we take a taxi to my grandma's house and its around 5:30am. i meet my grandma, Erika, who i would be spending the week with in Cabo Frio along with my 14year cousin Daniel.
instantly, i know that Erika is my grandma. throughout the entire week she is, "ariana, do you need anything?" "are you hungry?" "can i get you something?" "ooh, let me buy you this!"
OOH how i love grandmas :) (and no grandma hall &grandma judy, you have not been replaced)
so we take a nap and wonder the city of Juza de Fora which is fairly large. my mother, grandma &i love shoes (what women can honestly tell me they dont like shoes?) and so ofcourse i had to get a pair, sandels, totally brasileria ;D
we had lunch and i met with my cousin, Bruno, who is 19 and reallllllly dark, realllllllly brasilerio. which i am apparentlly intended to wed, according to my uncle, his dad. just teasing yall. anyway, we saw COMER RAZER AMAR. (eat pray love) you all need to go out and watch it (is it still in theaters?) maybe throw some portuguese subtitles on the bottom like me ;D
Domingo (sunday): we rose early and started our journey to Cabo Frio. on the way to Cabo Frio, we would pass through RIO DE JANERIO.
yess, ladies and gentleman, i was in Rio de Janerio on Sunday, October 10.
okay okay, details.
entering the city, i was panicking with excitement. OH MY I'M IN RIO. looking every which way, being a tourist, trying to take pictures while in the car. it was a messs. panicking with excitement
first impressions of Rio:
honestly? this city is not very nice.
explain: the poverty is reallly evident and the falavas (slums) are a large part of the city. i know that crime, drugs, violence is a major problem there. that was the city part of it.
when we got closer to the coast, thats when ariana fell in love.
please think of a city for me that has all of the following:
massive gorgeous buildings; beauitful beach; moutains all around.
probably none are coming to mind. maybe like one, if youre lucky.
beause its only in Rio
i saw the famous statue of Christ, symbol of Brasil, called Christo Redentor, only from a distance.
my family thinks that it is larger than the Staue of Liberty. you can say that its pretty big. it was a gift from another country to brasil (cant rememeber what european country, danggit!) its a reminder of how Christ is guarding everyone, Brasileria &me.
everywhere i would look, I could always find that statue in the distance, hovering on the mountain, protecting everyone from harm. God Blesss.
i was on the famous beach, Copacabana, the most famous in Rio, probably the most famous of alll Brasil. Unfortunatly, the day i was there, it was cloudy so the beach was with few ppl but all the same, it was pretty incredible. my first, and defiantly not the last brasileria praia :D
we only spent the afternoon, having lunch (in a grocery store? imagine that. reallly delicious though) i have to find my way back to Rio, somehow, someway. so much more to seee.
im tired of writing. ive only covered two days. BUT i promised you all details. so details IT IS.
just be patient and wait for the next posts :))) tchau