muito desculpe que eu não tenho escrevo aqui. agora, eu escrevo para vocês..
hah that was just for my own enjoyment.
the americans are panicking that this whole post will be in portuguese. and the brasilians are laughing at how horrible my portuguese writing is. cant please everyone, all right.
anyway, ive been hearing that pennsylvania has been having horrible weather lately, rain for the past week. just to make you all hate me some more, i will discuss the weather. just a wonderful topic; im sure you all can guess what type of weather we have here.
hot, hot, hot !
last friday, october 1, i came home, sweating; i could barely breathe. my momma greets me, "Oi Ariana, tudo bem?"
I just gave her the look of "why-is-it-so-hott-here-already-and-its-not-even-summer-yet?-loooook."
i swear, the first day of october, the season just changed completely. mother nature is out to get me. I mean before, it wasnt winter but I could breathe easily.
Brasil kinda skips seasons and jumps straight into summer. actually, let me be bold and say that its always summer here. they have one season:
summer, summer, summmer, &summer
my parents said that when its january, the hottest month of the year, i will be missing october-weather. thats unbelieveable. its gonna even more weird when you all are complaining about snow, being pale, shoveling sidewalks and two-hour delays and i will be sittting next to the pool, sipping on coca-cola while reading harry potter in portuguese. man, this is nice.
other reasons to hate on me:
i leave tomorrow for Cabo Frio, a beauitful, undescriable, freaking amazing brasileria praia (beach) para uma semana com minha maé. (for a week with my mother) Cabo Frio is in the state of Rio de Janerio therefore we might be going to Rio for the day.
woah, wait what?
and it just so happens that its the week of my eighteenth birthday.
can life get any better than this?
probably not, but i still have 11more months here in brasil so it probably will get better.
so now that everyone hates me, i will conclude this post.
tchau gentes