Tuesday, November 23, 2010


i have been pondering this post for quite some time now, i wanted to think of all the differences that stand out. the funny thing is that since i have been here for 3months (três meses!) the differences arent quite so loud, so bold; i have grown accussed to them, they are just part of my daily life

*ofcourse, the major difference at first was the language, português. but now, its the exact opposite. when i hear inglês from someone that usually doesnt speak inglês, i think, "wait that isnt right. i didnt have to translate that. ..ohmygosh thats my native language, inglês!! woahh"

*the climate. hottt. ofcourse, everyone is envious when i telll them i spent the day by the pool, gettting sun burn and i have another summer vacation coming soon. but the truth is, its gettting so hottt that its not even funn. this wkend, i wanted to cut my hair offf cause it was making me sweat somuch. everyone says that you dont know what hottt is until you are in Vale do Aço, Brasil in Januray. should be fun !

*like most south american countries, Brasil's biggest meal is lunch. i didnt think i woud love having my biggest meal in the middle of the day, but man, i love it somuch. i look forward to it during school, hoping that we have a big delicous fresh salad, thinking of the savory beans and rice.. ahh i am coming home to US expecting a fullcourse meal in front of me at 12:30

*having a maid, in one word, is amazing. i know that i am slowly becoming spoiled. my maid was gone for 3days, i am not exergatering when i tell you that i was struggling: my bed wasnt made, my bathroom was a mess, my laudry was overpiling. i neeeeeded some help !

*clothing here, esp womens, are ofcouse diffferent. diffferent land, diffferent styles. i told you all about the bikinnis, you can only imagine what they wear during the day. its not modest and i always feeel like the conserative american cause i like layers and turtle-necks and cardigns.

*everyones nails here are always neatly manicured and colored. my nailbeds are always a mess therefore i look slopppy.

*speaking of fashion and how fabuous brasilerias are, everyone wears highheeels. go to the mall on thursday afternoon, lets put my heeels on. going to a random dirty bar, put my heeels are. so OFCOURSE i had to get a pair :D

*this is one of my favorite differences and its probably the stupidest one there is: girls know how to put their hair up without having a hairtie. they can liek twist and knot it in a way that it will stay up ! its the cooolest thing ever and i try with my own hair, but its tooo curly (bushy)

* public transporation, buses, train, bikes, are very commonly used. i have learned how to take the bus, meu deus, that is a hilarious post

*have i already told you enough times that brasilerios drivers, make me car sick? well just to get the point acrosss, it makes me sick, all the time

*every neighborhood (ipatinga has over 30 and the neighborhood is kinda like the size of "downtown" new wilmington) has a fresh bakery which people visit on a daily bases

*almost everyone goes to the country clube, for both social purposes and to practice sports. i like it :)

*justin beiber is a controvsial isssue here: you either love him or hate his guts haha

*common professions that teenagers desire: medicine or enigeer (when i say that i want to be a professora, maybe, they look at me funny cause that career path isnt with high respect)

*teenagers, i think, are more stressed about their classes and future than US teeens. they have to take a test, similar to the SATs, but when Universities look at the students, they only look at the test, Vestibular, not their previous grades, activites, recommandtions etc. just the test which causes alotalot stressss.

*every school has a uniform. atfirst, i hated this idea cause usually i look nice for school. here is the complete opposite: i roll outta bed at the ungody hour of 6am, take a shower, and leave. no makeup, dont do my hair, dont put anything cute on. i am a sloppppy messs. but thats how everyone looks (sorrry if that upsets anyone, but lets be honest, we are sloppy at school)

*McDonalds &Burger King. thats alll. no one knows of Wendies, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, White Castle, A&W etc. just this. McDonalds is considered expensive which i find kinda funnny. a meal is around R$14 which could get you better quality, healthier meal

*Brasil = affectionate.

então, this is way i wanted Brasil. this is their culture. and this is what i have grown to get used to, these are the reasons why whenever people mention Brasil, my heart just throbs with allll the love i have for this place. BRA > EUA