Wednesday, November 17, 2010


after having been in school for almost 3months now, i have taken a total (count em) 2 tests! wooah. and both are going to be detailed for all of you below:

first of all, you have to understand the school system here. they typically make 2tests here a week, only on friday. for awhile here, i didnt like fridays at school. before you think i am crazy (what teenageer doesnt like fridays) let me explain:
everyone is stressing about the tests. they study so much that they barely have time for conversation, or to make fun and laugh at their favorite american. which isnt funn.
we have inglês class on friday, just once a week, and NO ONE pays attention which made me mad for a little bit. half of my class has perfect inglês and the other half doesnt speak but a few words. I just wanted to listen to my native language for 40mintues, pleasee! the one class i can actually understand, i cant understand cause everyone elses loud calls to eachother drown out professora.
before i made the tests, i would have to sit and wait by myself for the bus while everyone else made the tests. i just wanted to be included with everyone else, so i wanted to try this "prova" stufff, so i did. and heres how it went:

primeria provas estava inglês:
my class had to read Phantom of the Opera, a condesed version ofcourse, for a test that would be made in groups of two. the week before the test, i read their book in 5mintues cause i was bored during class, completely forgetting everything. so when i come into inglês, i ask the professora if i can make the test and she says ofcourse. so this boy comes over to me, Ricardo, a boy that i havent really talked with much, and he wants to be my partner for the test. i say, yeah sure ofcourse.

when we sit down for the test, everyone is yelling, "HEY thats not fair, he has the Americana. She speaks inglês." guys, dont be jealous of him, i dont remember this book at all hahah
we start making the test and he kinda just throws it on me, you speak inglês, this must be easy for you. "Ricardo, did you read the book?"
well no.
sweet, so when we get everything wrong, cause you didnt read the book and i dont remember anything, youre gonna blame me.
we got our tests back today and we made 4/5 ..haha
a girl by the name of vanessa, who DOESNT speak any inglês, made a 5/5 ..explain yourself now menina.

segunda prova de sociologia:
this past friday, the organizer of the 2nd year came up to me after class and asked if i would like to try and make a test today, either math ou sociologia. considering the fact that the math here looks like a Senior in Law School would be struggling with, i went with Sociologia.

I come in late for the test, everyone already is engrossed with their own material but i can see some smirks on their faces like, "haha she is gonna make this test, boa sorte americana."
there are about 5muilpte choice questions but its nothing like our mulipte choice. these muilpte choice, you had to read a huge paragraph (in portugês) then each A B C D was another paragraph in itself (again, português) lets just say that it took me a good long while to get through those questions.

but i could moreorless understand the questions ( i had my best friend, português dictionario, with me ) if i actually paid attention in class then i would maybe have done better in that part. but Mr.Lutz, i was channeling back to your class, all those months again, trying to remember all the knowledge and insight you gave us.

then came the short answer, now it gets interesting :D
the first one, i literally wrote (in português) I dont speak português. I understand the question but dont know how to respond. Sorry Professor.
Next question i actually tried to answer in português, but i think i just rambled on and on, using the same words over and over. HEY, i tried.
Final question, just to be annoying, i responded in inglês. Sorry professor. Someone was like, but "ariana i dont think he speaks inglês." ..yeah but i speak inglês hahah
After i left the classroom, i guess the teacher let everyone look at my test, everyone laughed at what i wrote! i was embarrassed :( bahh nahh, nothing embarrassses me anymore.
this past week, someone asked me if i understood the material on the test. i said yeah moreorless. they were like, haha i didnt understand ANYTHING! ..welll that makes me feel a little better. haha

this week is the final week of classes then next week is all tests.
after that baby, ITS SUMMER VACATION !!
bring on the sun burn, lazy days, Christmas, travels, New Years, and parties. I am so ready